Living in Downtown Frederick has many perks, including Residential Parking Permits. With a valid residential permit you can park along the streets listed below, any day of the week, without further charge for up to 48 hours. However, you must still adhere to the restrictions for sweeping and trash pickup night, as posted for each street.
Downtown Resident Parking Information
To be eligible for a residential permit, you must live on one of the following streets:
- Market St (between All Saints and 4th St)
- Patrick St (between Court and Carroll St)
- All Saints Street (E or W)
- Church Street (0-199 W Church St or 0-342 E Church St)
- 2nd Street (E or W)
- 3rd Street (E or W)
- Court Street (between W All Saints and 3rd St)
- Record Street
- Council Street
- Market Space Lot
- Rockwell Terrace
- Elm Street (500-599)
- Water Street (between E Patrick St and Carroll Creek)
- W 2nd St (north side, between Memorial Pkwy and College Ave)
- N Bentz St (300-399)
- S Bentz St (east side, 22-36)
- Chapel Alley (between 3rd and 4th St)
- Carroll Parkway (south side, between Bentz St and College Ave)
- College Ave (east side, between Carroll Pkwy and W Patrick St)
- Ice Street
- S Carroll St (east side, 200-299)
There are two types of Residential Parking Permits: Metered and Non-Metered. Residential Metered Parking Permits allow you to park on most of the streets listed above, while Non-Metered permits allow you to park along only those streets that are not controlled by parking meters.
If there are meters on your block, you may apply for either type of permit. The first Residential Metered Parking Permit costs $50 and the second costs $100. If you would prefer to have a Non-Metered Parking Permit, the first is provided free of charge and the second costs $100. You’re allowed a maximum of two Residential Parking Permits per dwelling.
If there are no meters on your block, you may apply for up to two Residential Non-Metered Parking Permits. The first is provided free of charge and the second costs $100.
Residents may also obtain visitor permits by providing the address where the car will be parked, the vehicle tag number, the duration of the stay and a $4 deposit. Once the visitor hang tag is returned, you’ll get your deposit back. On metered streets, the cost is $1 per hour or $8 per day. On non-metered streets, the cost is $1 per day. Visit the Parking Office to apply for and pick up a visitor permit. Cost may vary depending upon location.